How I Saved My Home From Smelling Like A Pound Without Sweating At All

I don't just love my dogs - they're my life! I've fostered hundreds of them, every type of breed, mix and mutt you can imagine. But, as dogs do, they pooped, peed, puked in every corner of my home.
And, it's not like I live in a palace.
People who care about dogs as much as I do often squeeze as many as possible into whatever house they can afford. My place is humble, but I love it and so do the doggies.
Problem is, cleaning up after lots of dogs is not easy. Especially foster puppies who are NOT HOUSE-BROKEN.
But man, did I try…
Deep cleaning sprays, special vacuum cleaners, foams that coat the carpet, stain-removers, dry powders you rub in…
I've tried every pet stain cleaning product ever invented.
I spent hours scrubbing until my arms couldn't move, and it always turned out the same. I'd have maybe a few days of a nice smelling home with no stains.
Then the smells and stains returned with a vengeance.

I realized I'd made a mistake, I mean I must have, right?
So, I started talking to other pet parents and people at the various pounds around town. Everyone had the same problem, and I was beginning to think I was just gonna have a stinky old house forever.
That was until…
I went to the park and met Myrtle.
She was this sweet old lady with a huge St. Bernard named Tobias. I was with three of my puppies when they started playing with Tobias.
"Oh my," I said to her, "your dog is huge!"
Myrtle turned to me "He's a big boy, you should see the size of the messes he makes around the house!"
"Oh, tell me about it," I said. "My rugs are stained forever too."
Then, she BLEW...MY...MIND!
She said "Oh, my rugs look like they're brand new ever since I started using this special spray.”
I practically tackled her and demanded, "I've never heard of it, tell me more!"
It's called The PeeBuster and it gave me back my clean house. If you walked in my home today you'd probably never know hundreds of dogs have stayed there.
Making Homes Stain And Odor Free

The minute you spray The PeeBuster, odors vanish within 30 minutes.
And stains?
Completely gone within 6-12 hours. And as wild as it may seem, that's without any harsh chemicals or enzymes.
What you’re left with are carpets, rugs, furniture and floors that look and smell fresh again.
So stop the heavy scrubbing. Forget the heavy chemical stench. And ditch the $400 vacuum rental.
With The PeeBuster, you just spray and let the unique formula break down stains and odors for you.